We Supply Marquee Hire to many Major Festivals in Regional Victoria, Melbourne and Geelong. We understand Festivals and enjoy working with Promoters and Production mangers to deliver Temporary Venues for Artist Areas and Festival Bars
Sporting Events can stop a nation. Be it Cycling, Marathons, Sailing, Rowing, AFL Football we have years of experience working with Sporting Bodies to create Temporary Venues for Exhibitions, Sporting Hubs and VIP Experiences. Get in Touch today to discuss your marquee hire.
Out Team is proud to be a part of Major Equestrian events such as Melbourne 3 Day International & The Australian Show Jumping Championships as well as delivering some of Regional Victoria’s best Country Cups. We get Marquee Hire and pride ourselves on going above and beyond for all clients.
Local community events and Marquee Hire is important to us. We enjoy supporting local community groups and being a part of our diverse and multicultural community. Our team looks forward to working with you on your next marquee hire for your Community Event.
Field Days give our Team an an opportunity to get Creative with our marquee hire. Having worked with Brands such as Elders, Coopers Animal Health, Elanco and many more. We would like the opportunity to see how we can add value to your Brand or Activation. Contact us to discuss your Marquee Hire
Are you planning and Open Day or School Event? We understand the importance of getting an Open Day right, that is why clients such as RMIT University and Federation University trust A3 Event Hire to deliver all marquee Infrastructure and furniture.